Cécile Daladier

35mm Film Photographs
Selected images from the cycle, 2017-2018

Cécile, is a film photography and film cycle, portrait of French artist Cécile Daladier. This photographic cycle was initiated after The Cold Press Gallery commissioned Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck to photograph Cécile Daladier during the London Design Week in fall 2017. Cécile and Johanna have been working together since.

Reflection, the first chronicle of this series, has been published in an eight page spread in Hole & Corner Magazine - issue 15 ( 2017 - United Kingdom) along an interview conducted by Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck. The second chronicle of this cycle, Pique-Fleurs is published as a limited edition newspaper by Poetic Pastel Press in 2018. The Weekender Magazine published further photographs from the cycle in 2019.